88.Shyam Kutir

Shyam Kutir….. At this celebrated place the Govardhan hill first emerged above the ground and from here the hill elevates in its height till its highest altitude rising just before the village of Aniyora. Syama Kutir is the place where Srimati Radharani used to sit on a gem studded throne called Ratna Simhasana surrounded with hundreds of sakhis (friends). Near to Syama kutir there is a lake by the name Ratna Kund where gopis used to bath. The footprint of Lord Krishna can be seen on one of the small shila here at this sacred place. Nearby there is a large platform with the name Rasasthali commemorating the celebrated pastime of Rasa Dance of Lord Krishna and Radha surrounded by the gopis (cowherd Maiden). It’s the place from where the demon Sankhachuda (servant of Kuvera) tried to kidnap Gopis and Sri Radharani when they were busy playing holi with Lord Krishna and Balram. He was named Sankhachuda as he wore the conch shaped gemstone on his head. Fearfully, gopis called out Krishna for help. Listening to their voice, Krishna ran behind them and killed the demon with his fist. He then took the unusual gemstone from his head and gifted it to Lord Balram. Syama means dark or black colour. Syama kutir is the place where Lord Krishna smeared his body with the Syama colored musk and dressed himself with Syama colored clothes and thus entered dark Nikunja. He was looking so different in this Syama form that even Gopis were unable to recognize him...


50 Temples Mathura And Virandavan

20. Foot Prints Of Lord Krishna

34. Kali Deh Temple

23. Sankari khor