92. Munger Raj Temple

Munger Raj Temple……..is located at Mathura Road, close to Rama Krishna Mission, Munger Raj Mandir is the heart of Vrindavan. It is Sadhu Maharaja's family temple and was built in 1932 by Sri Raja Raghunandan Prasada Singh, the grandfather of Sadhu Maharaja. There are many appealing kadamba trees gardens and a very dazzling hall with deities of Radha Mohanji and their favoured gopis, Vishakha, Lalita, Campakalata and Citra. Munger Raj Mandir is indeed a place known best for its amazing festivals. The concept of Munger Raj Mandir was conceived by Sri Raghunandana Prasada Singh. He had visioned a place where a loving, caring and warm atmosphere is sensed into the mood of a devotee as soon as he enters the place. The temple has various deities of Lord Krishna and Radharani engraved on silver thrones. Initially, Sri Raghunandana Prasada Singh used to take (hire) trains to help bring thousands of devotees to VrindavanMathura for Vraja Parikrama (http://www.vrindavanonline.in/city-guide/vrindavan-parikrama). Also, at that time he bought some land on Mathura road to build a dazzling temple and dharamsala for service of devotees. The temple which was built here is now divided into two different temples called Munger Raj Mandir and Chota Munger Mandir. The temple is divided in various altars. The center altar puts up a big sculpture of Lord Krishna and with Radharani and various others gopis like Vishakha, Lalita, Campakalata and Citra, on its sides. At dawn, it is an impressive sight to look at since the time the prayers start. At 4 o'clock one hears the Mangala-aarti chants and the temple gets ×lled with a zealous feel in its air.


50 Temples Mathura And Virandavan

20. Foot Prints Of Lord Krishna

34. Kali Deh Temple

23. Sankari khor