21. A Sacred Pound

Pavan means purifying and Sarovar means a lake. Thus, it’s believed that one who takes bath in Pavana Sarovar is relieved from all his sins. It is believed to be the place where Lord Krishna would bring his cows while returning from pastures in the evening. The cows would drink the cooling waters of Pavana Sarovar to quench their thirst. According to the legend, once Nand Raeji desired to go to Sangam Tirtha, Prayagraj in order to have sacred bath in the confluence of River Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati. Unwilling to be separated from his parents, Krishna advised his foster father to travel the next day, on the auspicious occasion of Akshaya Tritiya. Next day, Nand Maharaj woke up early in the morning and when he went to Pavana Sarovar to have his morning bath, he saw a black complexioned person with a huge personality who seemed a stranger to him. Nand Maharaj enquired him about his identity. He told Nand Rae that he is the king of Tirthas Prayagraj and has come to wash of his sins in the sacred Pavana Sarovar which are left to him by pilgrims. He had come along with other rivers and Tirthas. Nand Maharaj was amazed to see that even the king of Tirthas, who washes of the sins of all pilgrims, has come to Pavana Sarovar to wash of his own sins leftover by the pilgrims. Thus, he admired the sanctity of the Pavana Sarovar and decided not to visit Prayag for bathing as the Prayagraj himself visits Pavana Sarovar for sacred bath to wash of the sins left by the pilgrims. Then, he had a bath in the holy waters of Pavana Sarovar and purified himself. On the northern bank of the Sarovar there is a temple by the name of Pavana-Bihari. It is believed to have been built at a place where Sri Radharani along with her sakhis (friends) would enjoy the water sports on the bank of the lake. Here on the bank of this lake Vrishabhanu, the father of Sri Radharani built a magnificent palace for her daughter.


50 Temples Mathura And Virandavan

20. Foot Prints Of Lord Krishna

34. Kali Deh Temple

23. Sankari khor