22. Chandra Sarovar

This place is located about 2 Kms from Anyor village on the left side. It is the celebrated place where Lord Krishna performed his loving pastime of Basanti Rasalila with the Gopis (cowherd maidens). This Rasalila continued for the entire night of Lord Brahma but seemed to have finished in just few moments. The moon was stunned upon watching the awestruck beauty of the rasa dance of Lord Krishna with Gopis (cowherd maidens) and thus could not move the whole night. Thus commemorating this spiritual event the place is also known as Chandra Sarovar. Towards the west end of Sarovar there is a small shrine by the name of Shringar mandir. Shringar means to decorate, thus at this celebrated place Lord Krishna personally decorated Sri Radharani with flowers and ornaments and other cosmetics.


50 Temples Mathura And Virandavan

20. Foot Prints Of Lord Krishna

34. Kali Deh Temple

23. Sankari khor