61. Krishan Chetan Temple

Shri Chetan Temple is located at Giriraj Mountain Govardhan Hill of 21 Km far Lord Krishna's Birth City Mathura in Uttar Pradesh.The temple is dedicated to LOrd Krishna known as Giriraj ji.Popular as a  famous place for Hindu pilgrimage, Govardhan Parvat is a narrow sandstone hill, which is 8 km in length. It is said that Lord Krishna held Govardhan Hill on his little finger to save the town from wrath of the god of rains Indra. 

The story goes like this,  All the gwals (people who take care of Cows) and farmers used to worship God Indra (Hindu God of Rain), for the proper rainfall of the season. This was a age long practice going on in Brij area. One day Krishna as a child challenged this practice and argued that it is Indra's duty to give rain whether or not you offer him prayers. Krishna said instead we should worship Goverdhan, who is providing us the water and fodder for the survival of cattle. Gwals agreed on this and offered worship to Goverdhan instead of Indra. 

On this Indra got angry and ordered his furious clouds to burst on Brij and destroy it with rain and flood. As the rain got heavy all Gwals planned to leave the Brij Area; Krishna said that why should we leave when Goverdhan is here. Krishna through his leela lifted the Goverdhan hill only on his index finger. All the living organisms of Brij area were sheltered under it.  This rain continued for 7 days till all the clouds of Indra were emptied; Indra's pride was destroyed and he agreed that till Shri Goverdhan is there no one can do bad in Brij area. From that day onwards Goverdhan hill is worshiped and prayed as Lord Krishna himself . From this leela onwards Krishna got name 'Goverdhan-dhari' (one who beholds Goverdhan) and 'Indradaman' (one who broke the pride of Indra).


50 Temples Mathura And Virandavan

20. Foot Prints Of Lord Krishna

34. Kali Deh Temple

23. Sankari khor