60. Vishakha Kund

Vishakha Kund, which was created by Lord Krishna with his flute to relieve the thirst of Vishakha-Sakhi (close inmate of Sri Radha) and other gopis. It was here near this Kund that Swami Haridas found the beautiful deity of Lord Banke Bihari. A small temple named as Rang Mahal is built near to this place of appearance of Banke Bihari. The inner walls of the temple are beautified by fine paintings from the pastimes of Radha and Krishna and colorful glasses. There is a small bed inside the temple. The priest of the temple every evening decorates the bed with flowers and keeps a water container, kumkum (vermillion) and betel nuts. Every morning those flowers and kumkum are found scattered, the water of container is found yellow along with the traces of chewed betel nuts. It’s a popular belief that Lord Krishna and Radha come to this very place at night to perform Rasalila, so the forest is emptied by dusk and no one stays back. There is another small temple commemorating the pastime of Sri Radha when she stole the flute of Krishna along with her sakhis (girlfriends) Lalita and Vishakha and started playing it. So the temple is having the deity of Lord Radha playing flute. Samadhi (cenotaph) of Swami Haridas can also be seen 


50 Temples Mathura And Virandavan

20. Foot Prints Of Lord Krishna

34. Kali Deh Temple

23. Sankari khor