10. Shri Shri Bladev Dauji Temple

Baladev Dauji Temple is a famous Hindu Temple. It is located in mathura, Uttarpradesh. This temple is dedicated to lord Balarama.
The deity which is  established by Vajranabha has huge eyes and is black in color. The right hand is in raised position and a cup full of a drink which is called Varuni is placed in the left hand. This is a two-meter idol which is considered the biggest in Braja Mandal. The town of Mathura city derives all its celebrity from this temple of Balaram or Baladev, Krishna's elder brother.

The temple is built by Seth Shiam Das of Delhi. On each of these three sides there lies a door which gives access to the calla, one surmounted by a squat pyramidal tower. Apart from the main shrine, Baladeva, which is generally very much dressed and bedizened with jewels, it contains another life-sized statue, supposed to represent his wife Revati. In an adjoining court of the temple is shown in the small vaulted chamber which serves as a residence to the God after his epiphany.
Adjoining the Baladev temple is a brick built tank, over 80 yards square, called as Kshir Sagar, which is the "Sea of Milk," Kshir Kund. The Sea is in a dilapidated condition, and the surface of the water is always covered with a thick green scum. However, it does not make the pilgrims hesitate to either drink or bathe in it. Here it is said that Gosain Gokul Nath was warned in a vision that a god lay concealed.........


50 Temples Mathura And Virandavan

20. Foot Prints Of Lord Krishna

34. Kali Deh Temple

23. Sankari khor