29. Shri Shri Morr Kutir Temple

Mor means peacock and Kutir means a small cottage. According to the pastime legend associated with the place once Radharani was sitting in seclusion at this place in her loving anger state (mana), suddenly then Krishna came to the place searching for Radharani and found her sulking. To pacify her, Krishna started dancing like a peacock. Radharani was so much fascinated by the peacock dance of Krishna that she completely forgot her anger for Krishna and embraced him. According to other incident, once Radha and Krishna were sitting at this place enjoying their association. Soon, they were surrounded by many peacocks who enchanted by the sight of loving association of the divine couple started dancing with open feathers. Radha and Krishna were so much excited at this sight that they started imitating and dancing like those peacocks. Thus, the place has been named as Mor kutir.


50 Temples Mathura And Virandavan

20. Foot Prints Of Lord Krishna

34. Kali Deh Temple

23. Sankari khor