75. Bhojanthali

Bhojanthali…….At the end of Treta Yuga, a king named Koblaas(not very sure about the name) who ruled Ayodhya was blessed with a daughter named Krishnavati whom he got her married and continued to keep his son-in-law with him.  As he was greedy in expanding his kingdom, he along with son-inlaw attacked the neighbouring kingdom known as Bhadravati and finally in the war , both the king and the son-inlaw lost their lives.  Krishnavati started ruling the kingdom .
She was very detached and had no interest in material pursuits and was always engaged in meditation and used to strictly observe Ekadasi vrutham.  On one such Ekadasi, when she was observing Ekadasi vratham on the banks of Sarayu, Lord Vishnu pleased with her prayers appeared before her and granted her a boon.  She remembered her ancestor, Srirama redeeming Ahalya from her curse.  Ahalya who was cursed to turn into a stone was redeemed by Sri Rama’s paada sparsham.
Krishnavati recollected this and opted to become a stone so that the same blessing would be conferred upon her by the Lord. Lord granted the boon but said that HE would fulfill it in HIS next avataram as Krishna. In this case, it was not a curse but a boon which she opted for.
Krishnavati appeared as Indrasena parvath, a small hillock in Kamyavan and was waiting for the Lord . Inspired by Goverdhana giri’s fortune to have Krishna’s association, she continued to pray to the Lord to place HIS lotus feet on her and bless her.

Krishna, in order to answer her prayers, rested on this hillock after killing Vyomasuran.  Krishna’s friends noticed that though they had brought all the bhog, they didn’t have a plate to offer it to Krishna.
A part of the stone transformed into two round hollow plates and Krishna partook the offerings made to HIM.  Thus, her desire was fulfilled.


50 Temples Mathura And Virandavan

20. Foot Prints Of Lord Krishna

34. Kali Deh Temple

23. Sankari khor