28. Shri Shri Brahma Kund Temple


1.    Located on the Northern Periphery of Rangnath Temple, this kund is considered to be the Brahma Sthan [Sanctum Sanctorum of Vrindavan].
2.    The Varaha Purana  states that the Ashoka Trees located on the Northern side of the Kund blossom on Vaishakha Shukla Dwadashi. The darshan of these flowers leads devotees to the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
3.    Pauranmasi Ji directed Lord Siva  to attain Gopi bhava by making him bathe in this holy kund.
4.    Yogmaya ji got the Gopi  bhaav attained to Narad Ji by making him bathe in this holy kund.
5.    Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu Himself glorified the importance of this historic kund andhis disciple Srila Rupa Goswami found the deity of Vrinda Devi from this kund, which is now installed in Kamyavan.
6.    Great saint of medieval period Bilva Mangal Thakur did Bhajan for a long time at this kund.
7.    As per Brajwasis, Meera Bai spent her first night in Vrindavan on the Eastern Ghat of this kund.
8.    Karmaiti Bai Ji,  an exalted devotee, from Rajasthan also did Bhajan for a long time at this historic site.
9.    Two serious attempt were made to restore the kund during the past 500 years


50 Temples Mathura And Virandavan

20. Foot Prints Of Lord Krishna

34. Kali Deh Temple

23. Sankari khor