9. Shri Shri Radha Damodar Temple

Established in 1542 by Jiva Goswami, this temple is located at Seva Kunj. The temple is said to be located in the central of the spiritual world. The Deities of Sri Sri Radha Damodar were given to Srila Jiva Goswami by his guru, Srila Rupa Goswami Prabhupada, and have been worshiped here since then.The founder acharya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, Srila Prabhupada, spent his time here meditating on his mission and doing bhajans before establishing the society.

This temple also has a small shila depicting Giriraj (Govardhan hill). Sripad Sanatan Goswami used to live in Vrindavan near Sri Radha Madanmohan temple. Everyday he would go to Goverdhan hill from Vrindavan for parikrama. When he got old, even then he carried on with this routine and continued with his parikrama. Seeing this, the Lord himself appeared before him and told him that he was happy with his devotion but that he did not need to do so any longer, and should stay at Vrindavan and serve Radha Krishna. Srila Sanatan Goswami said that if he did not go to Govardhan Hill, he felt pain and grief. So Krishna gave him a Govardhan Sila with His foot print, flute, stick and cows foot print on it and told Goswamipad that by doing four Parikramas of this Govardhan Sila with the four signs you will get the complete benefit of Govardhan Parikrama.


50 Temples Mathura And Virandavan

20. Foot Prints Of Lord Krishna

34. Kali Deh Temple

23. Sankari khor