76. Yashoda Kund

Yashoda Kund is the place where Mother Yashoda would come to have bath along with baby Krishna and Balram. Sometimes Krishna and Balram would enjoy the sports with their cowherd friends in this Kund. Hau-Bilau is located on the western bank of Yashoda Kund. It is believed that often Krishna and Balram would get so much absorbed in the notorious games with their friends that they would even forgot to go to home for lunch. Then, Yashoda Mayi would herself come to the place to get them back to home. Noticing, mother Yashoda approaching them, Krishna and Balram would run away. Sometimes, mother Yashoda would narrate them the story of Hau-Bilau, terrifying both the brothers and thus easily catching them to bring back home for feeding and bathing. When Krishna and Balram would not listen to her, she would horrify them with Hau-Bilau. Listening about Hau-Bilau, both the brothers would be frightened and ran to their mother. The stony figure representing haua, being present at the place even today reminds of this beautiful pastime of Lord Krishna


50 Temples Mathura And Virandavan

20. Foot Prints Of Lord Krishna

34. Kali Deh Temple

23. Sankari khor