53. Gopeshwar Mahadev

Gopeshwar Mahadev

In Srimad-Bhagavat, MahadevSankar, the god of gods, has been called the foremost Vaishshana. He and BhagvatiParvati are always absorbed in meditation on Krishna’s eternal eightfold daily pastimes (ast-Kaliyalila). Once, during Sri Krishna’s manifest pastimes, Sankar desired to take darsan of Krishna’s captivating ras-lila with his own eyes. Being eager to do so, he came directly to Vrndavan from Kailaasparvat. At the gate outside Vrindavan, some attendant gopis stopped him, because no male except for sri Krishna can enter the rasa. But since when has Sankar easily agreed to anything? He asked the attendant gopis hoe he might be admitted and they told him to satisfy BhagavatiYogamayaPaurnamasi with his worship.
Shankar followed their advice and after and after arduous worship he received darsan of Yogamaya. Knowing the desire of Sankar, Purnima took his hands and dipped him in the nearby Brahmakund. When he came out of the pond, he had been transformed into an extremely beautiful young gopi. Purnima seated Sankar, now a gopi, inside a kunja north-east of the rasa-Sthali. She told him to behold the rasa-lila from there, and then she disappeared....


50 Temples Mathura And Virandavan

20. Foot Prints Of Lord Krishna

34. Kali Deh Temple

23. Sankari khor